imaginary family values presents

yesh omrim

a blog that reclines to the left


I am the ghost of tax forms yet to come

15 April 2005

Instructions for the 2004 form 1040 (i.e., the one due today):

Line 23: Educator Expenses If you were an eligible educator in 2004, you can deduct up to $250 of qualified expenses you paid in 2004….

Qualified expenses include ordinary and necessary expenses paid in connection with books, supplies, equipment … and other materials used in the classroom.

Instructions for the 2005 form 1040:

Line 23b: Military Expenses If you were a member of the armed forces in a combat zone in 2005, and you spent your own money to buy a flak jacket for yourself or armor for your vehicle, you can deduct up to $500 of the cost of the armor.

Instructions for the 2006 form 1040:

Line 23c: Culture of Life Expenses If you took time off from work in 2006 to picket an abortion clinic or hospice, you may deduct $100 for every day you protested (up to $1000).

Instructions for the 2007 form 1040:

Line 53c: Homeland Security Credit If you reported suspicious behavior to the Federal Bureau of Investigation or the Department of Homeland Security, and a terrorist was deported or detained indefinitely as a result of information that you provided, you may claim a credit of up to $2,000, depending on the value of your information.