imaginary family values presents

yesh omrim

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Please call your Representative TODAY

22 January 2010

Democrats in the House are now trying to decide what their next step should be with regard to health care reform. The main options under discussion seem to be:

The longer they dither about this, the worse the party looks and the greater the chance that everyone will just walk away from the issue and hope the Republicans don’t make mincemeat out of them in the fall. I would say that the need to take some action, on both political and policy grounds, is so blindingly obvious that a rational politician shouldn’t need encouragement, but—sigh—we’re dealing with Democrats here. I would say that politicans who are so committed to acting like losers don’t deserve to win elections, but even if they deserve that consequence, the country doesn’t.

So if you vote in the United States and your district is represented by a Democrat in the House, please call your Representative today and let him or her know where you stand. The House switchboard is (202) 224-3121.