25 October 2010
For once in, like, decades, I have actually watched the premiere (or at least, the US network premiere) of a TV show at the same time as the rest of the world, instead of watching it on DVD months or years later. So, a few quick reactions to Sherlock, to share with fellow fans:
- One of the amazing things about fiction is that if you have a main character who is passionate about something, the reader will identify with that character, even if the character is otherwise, ahem, flawed. David Tennant’s wild-eyed portrayal of Doctor Who was enough to draw me through the series, even though, let’s face it, most of the episodes had plot holes large enough to drive a planet through. It’s nice to see some Who writers use Benedict Cumberbatch’s acting skill to achieve a similar effect in a TV show that actually has a plot.
- Speaking of plot, it’s also nice to watch a mystery show on TV where I do not feel compelled to reach through the screen, grab the alleged master detective (or, worse, the writer) by the lapels, and scream “You idiot!”
- The use of captions to show text messages on characters’ phones is an interesting presentation technique: has anyone done this before? Also, the use of captioned “wet”, “dry”, etc., as Holmes examines the body.
- I really hope that “everyone assumes that Holmes and Watson are a gay couple, NOT THAT WE THINK ANYTHING’S WRONG WITH THAT, wink wink nudge nudge” does not become a running gag throughout the series.